I'm Witold from Krakow, Poland. I found photography the way to feel fulfilled while travelling. Photography is my few years old quite unkempt passion. In 2017 my both passions finally got combined. I'm not a fan of crowdy, noisy places but prefer outdoors. Wilderness, silence close to the nature is what I really seek when I travel. Sometimes I'd like to be in few places at the same time in order not to miss anything. In my opinion 2h at home is a waste.
2019 Skypixel - 2nd prize in category ARCHITECTURE [here]
2018 Sony Awards - Commended in category LANDSCAPE & NATURE [here]
2018 Chromatic Awards - 2nd prize in category PHOTOJOURNALISM [here]
2018 Chromatic Awards - 3x Honorable Mention in category LANDSCAPES [here]
2018 Drone Awards - commended in category WILDLIFE [here]
2018 Hydropolis - GRAND PRIX [here]
2018 Moscow International Foto Awards - Bronze in category NATURE [here]
2018 ND Awards - 3rd prize in category Nature - SEASCAPES / WATERSCAPES [here]
2018 ND Awards - Honorable Mention in category NATURE - LANDSCAPES [here]
2018 ND Awards - Honorable Mention in category Special - PHOTOJOURNALISM / STORY [here]
2017 Chromatic Awards - Discovery of the Year - 1st prize in category NATURE AMATEUR [here]
2017 Chromatic Awards - Discovery of the Year - Cover photo [here]
2017 Outdoor Photographer of the Year - 1st prize in category AT THE WATER'S EDGE [here]
2017 Chromatic Awards - 3rd prize in category TRAVEL AMATEUR [here]
2017 Monovisions Photography Awards - 3rd prize in category TRAVEL [here]
2017 ND Awards - Honorable mention in category LANDSCAPE [here]
2017 International Photographer Of The Year - Honorable mentions in cat. NATURE : LANDSCAPES (AMATEUR) [here]
Thank you!